Site icon Sports Focus in Schools

Safeguarding Children Policy

Sports Focus in Schools and Football Focus in Schools recognise that their staff are the first stage of pastoral care to the children under their supervision. Staff are well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour or failure to develop or thrive.

Categories for concern:

The persistent or severe neglect of a child which results in serious impairment of the child’s health or development.

Physical Abuse
Physical injury to a child – reasonable suspicion that the injury was inflicted or knowingly not prevented.

Sexual Abuse
The involvement in sexual activities to which the child was unable to give informed consent.

Emotional Abuse
Persistent or severe emotional ill-treatment or rejection.

If a member of staff becomes aware of the above and is concerned for the child, the Designated Safeguarding Lead of the school shall be informed immediately.

If a member of staff has any of the above concerns but have children in their care out of school hours they must follow this procedure:

If on the school premises on a school day:
·Inform a member of staff.

If on a school premises when the school is closed:
·Listen carefully and sympathetically but do not ask leading questions.
·Do not guarantee confidentiality.
·Take action if necessary, even if this means the child will not say any more.
·Be sure the child knows their account will be taken seriously.
·Who else was present?
·Make the child feel safe and secure.
·Write down exactly what was said and what action was taken with a time and a date.
·Inform the Child Protection Officer;

Steve Clifford – 07974687578 or 01784 241945
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
Surrey Contact centre 03456 009 009

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